oFeatures Customer Service
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oFeatures Customer Service

A set of features such as Live Chat, Feedback, Click to Call, Support Ticket System, Guestbook and Contact Form, all provided for yo...

Dzinga Smart Callback

A set of features such as Live Chat, Feedback, Click to Call, Support Ticket System, Guestbook and Contact Form, all provided for you on a mobile-friendly Customer Service platform.
What features are available?

You have to the option of adding the following features:
* Live Chat (also Live support, live help),
* Click to Call button (also called click-to-call, click-to-talk, click-to-chat),
* Ticket System (also called issue tracking system, ITS, incident ticket system, request management),
* Feedback widget,
* Contact Form,
* Guestbook.

With our tools integrated into one platform you will be able to manage your Customer Service easily and efficiently. There are many predefined styles, that you can edit as well, to match your website theme. With this plugin you can login to the Support Panel directly from the Joomla! admin panel. It also lets you publish features on your website in a more convenient way. After installing this plugin, a Support Panel button will be added to the top menu. When you click on it you can log into your oFeatures account and manage requests.


Multi-language support - You can create translations for many languages.This is helpful when you have customers from all around the world. They are able to use the feature in their native language. For example you may have the Chat feature on your website in English, German , Spanish and many others.

Mobile friendly - You and your customer support team are able to assist your customers who use mobile devices such as tablets or smartphones from anywhere in the world.

Access rights control - You can decide if users of your account have entry to the whole system like you, or just to the Support Panel, so that they can support your customers.

Automatically assigned requests based on availability and language skills - If your customers are from Germany and France for example, but only one of your Support Team members knows how to speak German, you can add this information into the system. Your customers from Germany will be automatically assigned to the German-speaking employee.

Time zone support - You and your employees have the option of working from any place in the world and using your local time

Set of predefined themes - You can adjust the appearance of all features by choosing a theme from list of ready-to-use themes.

Statistics - Thanks to statistics you have power over your Support System. Among others, you can find the load of your Support Team members. This can help you decide on employment in your company

Animations - Through animations, user experience can rise significantly. .

Canned responses - Canned responses are ready to use messages. They come in handy while writing in Chat for example. You can click on a canned response and send it to your visitor/customer without having to type anything. Examples: Hi! How are you?, Hello, how can I help you?, Thank you for contacting our Customer Support. Have a great day!

Sound notifications

Requests history - In the support panel, you can look through all past requests from your clients and view the history of the selected request.

Branding - You can modify the mailing content and add a company logo for selected features.

Style customization - If you want to have a customized feature style, you can change it by using the convenient CSS editor with syntax highlighting and live (instant) preview.

Built-in video tutorials - After logging into the system, you will be able to watch video tutorials on how to use oFeatures. This makes usage and the learning process simple and uncomplicated.

Live Chat description

Adding Live Chat to your website will give you the possibility to chat with your customers in real-time. Even if you are offline, visitors/customers are able to contact you through offline chat contact form. Customers may also send the chat conversation transcript to their e-mail. Once the chat is finished, they can rate the service of the chat as well as leave a message with their opinion of how they liked the chat conversation.

How To Use

When you are logged into the Support Panel, on the left hand side there is a tab with Chat requests, where all chats are shown. After opening the Support Panel, the chat dialogue box will appear with all active chats. You can talk with your visitors in the dialogue box or assign the chat to another team member. In the first column you can view the chat conversation by clicking the chat icon. Even if the chat is offline, you can reply to the request and see more details. Among many others, details include when the chat started and ended, the customer’s e-mail, feedback satisfaction and comment, whether the chat is offline or not, language and which user is assigned to the chat conversation. In the next column, you can see which support team member was chatting with a visitor. The third column shows when the chat conversation started. There is an option to mark the chat conversation as ended by clicking "Mark as ended". Lastly, you can check the duration of the chat conversation and easily view the history of the request by clicking the "Request History" button.

Please visit the oFeatures website to also learn more about other features (Feedback button, Click to Call, Support Ticket System, Guestbook and Contact Form)


What is oFeatures?

oFeatures is a customer service system, also called a help desk. It’s a tool thanks to which you can communicate with your customers in many different ways. Features that you can add to your website are: Live Chat (also Live support, live help), Click to Call button (also called click-to-call, click-to-talk, click-to-chat), Ticket System (also called issue tracking system, ITS, incident ticket system, request management), Feedback widget, Contact Form, Guestbook.

What features are available?

You have to the option of adding the following features:

Live Chat - the possibility of chatting in real time with you website visitors.
Click to Call - after adding click to call to your website, your visitors will be able to ask you to contact them by phone.
Ticket System - a new level of communication- after a customer creates a support ticket and you send them a message, the ticket will be updated and your client will receive a notification. It is the same when a customer sends a new message - you will receive a notification that the ticket has been updated and you will be able to reply.
Contact Form - a traditional yet still popular form of internet communication in a new, modern and convenient way. If up until now requests from customers were sent directly to your mail box, that might have been burdensome. Thanks to oFeatures requests from customers will be directed to a convenient customer support panel, from where you will be able to reply to them.
Guestbook - an ideal solution for people who would like to find out the opinion of their customers and simultaneously and immediately share that opinion with other visitors of their website. "A happy customer tells one friend, an unhappy customer tells everybody" - thanks to guestbook you can make that "one friend" be every person that visits your website and finds out about the high quality of your services or products.
Feedback - feedback is a necessary element of every company that has a connection with their customers and strives to make their customer satisfaction to be as high as possible. Thanks to this feature you will be able to monitor customer satisfaction as well as analyze how it has changed under the influence of changes made by you in your products, services or in website content.
Why would I choose oFeatures? - how is it different from other customer service systems?

What distinguishes oFeatures from other customer service systems is that it combines many forms of communication and ensures the possibility of managing its many aspects. With oFeatures you have the possibility to not only send and receive messages from customers in many ways, but also to collect and analyze their satisfaction.

Are statistics available in oFeatures?

Yes. In the "Statistics" panel you can access to the main panel (dashboard) where you can conveniently check the amount of requests and the current workload of your employees. Thanks to the the graph showing the load of employees, the hiring process becomes easier. Other tabs in "Statistics" are statistics connected with features. For example: for Live Chat and Feedback you can see how customer satisfaction changed in time or an average satisfaction from a certain time period. If you would like to see how a given support team member was rated by customers, all you need to do is choose them from a list. For the Support Ticket System in statistics you can see a summary of resolved tickets, new ones, and unresolved. You can also see how the amount of tickets has changed over time. For Ticket System also you can analyze applications from customers with the division of the assigned support team members. For the Contact Form, similar as in the Ticket System, you can check how the amount of requests has changed over time. When you go to the Click to Call section in "Statistics", you will see how many people asked you to call them, as well as the summarized request statuses.

Can I give my employees access to the system so that they can serve customers?

Yes you have an option of adding an unlimited amount of Support Team Members. You can decide if a given employee/support team member will have access rights like you do, or just access to the support panel, where they will be able to answer to customer requests.

I have a multilingual website. Does oFeatures support many languages?

Yes. You can add an unlimited amount of supported languages. This affects widgets that appear on your website as well as other aspects connected with customer service, such as mail correspondence. oFeatures ensures automatically assigned requests to support team members based on their language abilities. For example if you have 3 employees but only one of them knows French, then you can easily make requests from french-speaking customers automatically assign to that employee.

I often travel and change time zones and my employees are located in different parts of the world. Are my employees and I going to be able to change time zones and view requests in our local times?

Yes, you can change the time zone to your current one at any time thanks to which you will avoid the need to calculate from one time zone to another.



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Joomla! Extensions, Templates, Tutorials, Videos and updates: oFeatures Customer Service
oFeatures Customer Service
Joomla! Extensions, Templates, Tutorials, Videos and updates
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