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vBizz is the world’s most powerful Easy-to-use Business Management Software solution. Accounting, Help desk, Financials, Professional Services, Product Seller, vBizz empowers businesses of all sizes, across all industries, in every part of the world to unleash innovation and growth.


vBizz is the world’s most powerful Easy-to-use Business Management Software solution. Accounting, Help desk, Financials, Professional Services, Product Seller, vBizz empowers businesses of all sizes, across all industries, in every part of the world to unleash innovation and growth.

Built-in business intelligence with real-time reporting and analytics equips your organization with a single version of the truth and ignites better, faster decision making. It keeps track of your daily,
weekly, monthly, yearly Business information in a single place to make you more organized and more efficient.

vBizz - Features

One Point communication

Time is money and nothing is faster than one point communications. vBizz gives you a wide choice of CRM, Project management, Accounting, Inventory management, Sales & Order management, Vendor management, Invoice management, Finance management beautifully designed all-in-one software for small and mid-sized businesses.
Instead of using five different tools to plan projects, manage employees, accounting and track finances you can use a single solution. vBizz helps to save over 90% of the time you're currently spending on double data entry, manual billing, reporting etc.

Leads / Quotes & Invoices

vBizz is not just a cool way to create nifty quotes, invoices and accept quick payments, it's a way to Get Paid Faster. Create professional invoices templates and estimates with ease, with just a few clicks.
Send invoices via e-mail with the option to send reminders as well. vBizz quotes and invoices are fully customizable and come with powerful options, like Recurring invoices, Print, Email, PDF, Download, Quote To Invoice, Taxes, Discounts, Currencies, Company Logo, Bank account information, Support, automatic numbering, etc. You can customise email template for invoice and quotation of your choice like Sale Reciept Template, Invoice Template, Quotation Template, Vendor Invoice and Vendor Quotation.

Effortless Sales/purchase orders

A sale is the key source of revenue for all organisations. Streamlining your sales processes will help you take your business to newer heights. With vBizz, you can perform quick and easy invoicing, manage rejections and track your sales to the last level. You can support your business decisions with accurate stock status and sales information, thus increasing operational efficiency.
Purchases form a significant component of total expenditure. Therefore, it becomes essential for you to track purchases from one end to the other and plan manufacturing cycle accordingly. vBizz enables you to instantly check the status of stock available, know overdue orders and pending incomings and thus manage your inventory requirements.

Plan projects with ease

vBizz helps you get started quickly and execute projects with ease. It’s the saner, calmer, organized way to manage projects and communicate company-wide. Milestones, task lists help you organize complex projects into easily manageable units.
Tasks can include start & due dates, time allocations, assigned staff, statuses, files, messages and more. Employees, clients, vendors, or consultants, from near or far can work together very easily with our vBizz tool.

Powerful Inventory control

One of the cool feature of vBizz is the Inventory management. It Improves efficiency, gain visibility into your stocks, Assets and automate your hardest jobs.
Track all your inventory-related costs and run reports to see your sales totals, cost of goods sold, taxes collected, profit margin, inventory value on hand, and more! Run custom or built-in reports to see cash flow, sales, profits, costs and more. Use the dashboard to see best selling products, outstanding orders, who owes you money and more.

Easy Accounting

vBizz is designed for small/medium businesses to manage their finances and to take care all of your accounting needs. It keeps track of your daily, weekly, monthly and yearly income and expenses in a single place to make you more organized and more efficient. vBizz uses Charts, graphs, and an intuitive flow-oriented interface to make it quick and easy to get an accurate picture of your finances which helps you to plan your budget.
It makes beautiful graphic reports of your Income/Expense/Growth using colourful bar charts, line charts, column charts and pie charts. It can generate accurate reports as well as analyze your expenses and income for specified time periods to identify potential savings and to let you know where your money is going. It can even import/export your transactions in CSV, JSON and XML files.

Separate Dashboards for Owner/Employees/Vendors/Clients

vBizz comes with flexible and most powerful Access Control Level which controls different types of user access to different sections / features of vBizz with an easy-to-use user interface. For example, Owner can give access for Employees to perform only Accounting processes (i.e. income / Expenes) while disable other sections for him including Project Management etc.

Smart Graphical Reports

See your business more clearly with Interactive Visualization & Advanced Reporting. So you can unlock insights that help drive the growth of your business. This is most unique kind of report generation technique as there is nothing hard coded and you can completely customize the report list with advance options.
When the user need to generate complex, customized and presentable reports vBizz is the answer. Reports can be generated in any form like charts, graphs, histograms, Calendars etc. You can customize your reports with a large variety of graphs, charts and tables: Line Chart, Area Chart, Column Chart, Geo Chart, Table Chart, Bar Chart and Pie Chart. Within each report, you can apply advance formatting parameters and create filters to drill down into the data and display specific results.

Advance notification system

Staying updated on changes happening in your vBizz is very important, especially if we are talking about confidential and important work-related business data. However, users cannot be expected to work constantly in their business management software to manually monitor these changes. This is why vBizz employs advanced email notifications and alerts system that keeps you well-informed of all big and small changes made in your repository.
Powerful Alerts Notification System allows users to set alerts on various activities. With vBizz comprehensive alerting system, you’ll always be in-the-know whenever something changes in your system or when your data are modified – without having to constantly monitor and manually keep track of all changes.

Highly Configurable

vBizz is packed with powerful configuration options that let you have full control over the aesthetics and behavior of overall software. It gives you complete flexibility to customize the software according to your wish. You can centrally control each and every section of the software.
Advance Features like ACL, Activity Log, Import/Export, Schedule Tasks, Dynamic Widgets, Localisation, Cron, Bug Tracker, Forum, Email Templates etc. are supported out of the box.
Note: Please post on our support forum or email us if you need some help in setting up vBizz on your site. You'll get a reply within 24 hours.



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Joomla! Extensions, Templates, Tutorials, Videos and updates: vBizz
vBizz is the world’s most powerful Easy-to-use Business Management Software solution. Accounting, Help desk, Financials, Professional Services, Product Seller, vBizz empowers businesses of all sizes, across all industries, in every part of the world to unleash innovation and growth.
Joomla! Extensions, Templates, Tutorials, Videos and updates
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