S3Media Stream
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S3Media Stream

With S3Media Stream 8 you can publish your video and audio with expiring links (signed URLs) via Amazon Web Services (AWS) with CloudFront to protect your media from unauthorized sharing.

MediaLibrary Basic
S3 Media Button

With S3Media Stream 8 you can publish your video and audio with expiring links (signed URLs) via Amazon Web Services (AWS) with CloudFront to protect your media from unauthorized sharing.

The responsive player is fully HTML5 compatible. It also has a protected download link feature that enables you to offer expiring links on the fly to any file type on AWS. S3Media Stream ships and installs with JW Player 8.3. Note: A JW Player Starter license is required.
Users of versions prior to 7 are advised to use the troubleshooting guide in the support/documentation section for proper migration before they install.

Protect your media

Protect your video and audio files from leeching or unauthorized sharing since the links to the media expire too quickly.
Deliver your protected PDF’s, PowerPoint files, Docs or ANY down-loadable file without fear of hotlinking.
Discourage screen capturing of videos with a dynamic watermark, showing Name, IP address and date of the visitor in any of the possible 4 positions in the player (does not work on all server configurations)

The extension can handle the following media options

  • Private progressive download video and audio (also called pseudo streaming)
  • Semi-private HLS adaptive streaming video and audio
  • Semi-private MPEG-DASH streaming video and audio
  • Private 360 VR video
  • Protected download links via signed URLs (expires in time) to any file type on AWS.
  • Private/Public playlist generated via wizard for audio or video.
  • Public External media (not served via AWS)

Use a wizard to generate the shortcode for you in articles.
Use the playlist wizard to generate playlists with signed URLs for up to 20 items.
Use the module to place media in other positions of your template.
The protected download link feature is very useful to provide expiring links to any file type residing on AWS.
Note: 360 VR video is not widely supported yet. It doesn't work on most mobiles and supports only the latest browsers. See https://www.jwplayer.com/blog/360-vr-part1-state-of-the-industry/ for more info.

Look and behavior features

Poster image to set an image as the preview for the video player, also possible for audios.
Autostart gives the option to automatically play media upon page load or wait for visitor's input(not for playlists)
Repeat media controls to repeat media automatically or play just once(not for playlists).
Player align to position the player left, right, center or template determined (none).
Control bar, show or hide option.
Captions/Subtitles for the hearing impaired or translation (video/audio).
Encode URLs obfuscates links to media in the embedding code. It also prevents special characters from being translated by templates or other extensions, which would result in an invalid signed URL.
Stretching has several options to fit video in the player.
Social sharing button to share a page with embedded media (not directly a link to the media itself)

Branding options

Watermark/logo with a link to any page and 4 possible positions in the video area.
About Text and About Link in the context menu can be customized to brand your player*.
Make an audio look engaging with poster image, watermark and subtitles.
Customize the look of the player with css, either via a separate stylesheet or directly in the templateof your site (recommended). Note: Version 7 skins are not compatible.
(*) The JW Player version notice and 'About this video' link cannot be turned off.

The following media types are supported

  • 2 video file types: MP4, WebM*.
  • 4 audio file types: AAC, MP3, M4a and Vorbis.
  • 2 streaming protocols: HLS and MPEG-DASH.
  • YouTube videos, using the official iFrame API.
  • RSS feeds, see external playlists.
  • JSON feeds, see external playlists.

(*) RTMP is no longer supported since JW Player 8.0, nor is FLV. For users with older versions of S3Media Stream, there is the HTML5 fallback for RTMP to transform old shortcode to progressive download automatically. Consider to replace old shortcodes and modules with HLS adaptive streaming instead.

The following captions formats are supported

  • webvtt (preferred as it is supported by iPad
  • srt (not properly supported by iOS devices)

PREMIUM SUPPORT to help you on your way quickly

Setting up your AWS account for the first time is not that easy. There are some pitfalls, so you can do with some substantial support.
Notwithstanding the step-by-step tutorials and solutions to problems we offer, you might bump into a problem you cannot pinpoint and we are here to help.
We want you to be happy with our extensions, so we help you all the way. As a premium support customer, you get an answer within 24 hours (except in weekends). In some cases, we contact you via Skype if e-mail support is insufficient.

GDPR compliance

Since the S3Media Stream extension doesn't handle personal information, GDPR is not applicable.
JW Player itself is GDPR compliant since version 8.3 which generates a clientID in the context menu for visitors in case they want to demand which traffic information is stored on JW Player server(s). For this, they can contact JW Player directly.

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Joomla! Extensions, Templates, Tutorials, Videos and updates: S3Media Stream
S3Media Stream
With S3Media Stream 8 you can publish your video and audio with expiring links (signed URLs) via Amazon Web Services (AWS) with CloudFront to protect your media from unauthorized sharing.
Joomla! Extensions, Templates, Tutorials, Videos and updates
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